Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Knotted wrack

I have always had a short attention span. I take a hobby up for either 3 months or 3 years, but when I'm done, I'm done. As much as I say I'd like to play guitar again I never go for more than a few days. I worry that's happened with my career... now that I'm here, actually doing it, it doesn't arouse my interest. Then again, I can't really say I'm interested in anything. I have no passion. I am completely disconnected from my life - not inputting anything or directing it in any way. Everything washes over me, I bend with the rush, and I go wherever the current takes me. A while back, I decided to go with it. I would recognize my faults for what they were and embrace them. I would work with myself, not against myself. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I've hit a wall and I don't want to be this person anymore. I need to look at things from a different angle, swim against the current.


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