Monday, July 31, 2006

It was an eventful summer. I handled my seven courses with aplomb until the very end where I stumbled spectacularly and just barely managed to limp over the finish line. I got all prettied up and went to the best wedding ever - Odder and Nick did it up right! I got hired as the Marine Zoology TA for 15 high-school kids up at Duke's marine lab in North Carolina for a month. In spite of my feelings towards children (which are, in a nutshell, keep them the hell away from me!) I loved it and would go back in a second. As a side effect of my time with high-schoolers I developed a familiarity with teen pop that has yet to go away. I missed Pearl Jam's tour for the first time since 1994, but I did get great seats for a Tom Waits show in Tennessee. It's been something like 14 years since I first heard him and put him on the top of my "I'd-cut-off-an-arm-to-see-that-show" list... 3 down (him, Mudhoney, and Radiohead) 2 to go (PJ Harvey and Beck.)

And finally, I realized for the first time in a loooooooong time, I am happy.

If you wanted a reason for why I didn't write anything over at the old journal for so long, that's why - I usually write when I'm feeling all angsty and tortured, and that hasn't been the case. I'm trying to learn to write when things are going well, hence the new blog. Its going to be even more fragmented that the first one, but at least I'll be around again, right?


At Wed Aug 02, 03:34:00 PM EDT , Blogger gayles said...


I am so bummed that I missed everyone at the party after the wedding. Damn diseases.

Let me know next time you're in town.

At Tue Aug 29, 09:31:00 PM EDT , Blogger swanner said...

Gayle!! is your old aol address still up and running? I can't remember the other one... Email me!


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